About Ayurveda

Ayurveda “THE LIFE” deals with the basic concepts of diet, regimen and good health practices, helping in prolongation of life, precautions from ill health and producing eminent offsprings for the next generation. It also explains how a man should live a better life to obtain salvation. The twentieth century is widely regarded to be the century of genetics, the science dealing with patterns of inheritance of characters from parents to offspring.

The Acharyas of ancient Ayurveda from about 5000 BC itself has told that the inheritances of characters are transferred from parents to offsprings and the fundamental cycle of meiosis and fusion that tends to change the genetic makeup of populations over the generations.

This deliberate attempt made by me for the worldwide propagation of the basics of Ayurveda, will offer the silver lining in the evolving of Ayurveda as the most authoritative modern science.
